A collection of strange links on Google.com
2 Comments Published by Jadir on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 at 3:14 AM.
Although Google is a search engine, they are also a website. They, themselves, have millions of pages indexed, some are to services they provide and others are to random things on Google. I was digging around Google and I ended up finding at lot of random things, so I decided to compile a list of strange Google links. Enjoy!
If you ever wondered all the misspellings of Britney Spears and their volume, you must check this out. http://www.google.com/jobs/britney.html
These two links are to fun Google games. The first is on Easter and the second is about Valentines Day. http://www.google.com/Easter/feature_easter.html http://www.google.com/heart/heart01.html
Everything works on this page, but it seems like the text has been converted to some sort of hacker text. http://www.google.com/intl/xx-hacker/
The MentalPlex search does not require you to type a query to conduct a search, instead it anticipates your request by evaluating over 1.3 billion variables. http://www.google.com/mentalplex/
If you are thirsty, you might want to check out the Google Gulp. I hope they come out with this. http://www.google.com/googlegulp/product_line.html
These are registry files for IE. I would have never expected to see them on Google. http://www.google.com/default.reg http://www.google.com/google_rsearch.reg
This page is a tribute to Google moms. Can you guess which Googler belongs to which mom? http://www.google.com/moms/
I think this page has something to do with the "I am feeling lucky" button. http://www.google.com/lucky.html
This page looks like a search interface for a cell phone or some sort of portable device. http://www.google.com/mozilla/google.xul2
Google currently does not have an online file backup application that I know about, but this page references it. http://www.google.com/ig/currentcomm/currentlinksmodule.html
These pages reference customizable Google homepages for partner companies. http://www.google.com/ig/dell http://www.google.com/ig/gateway
I am not sure what this page is about, but it might have something to do with IE. http://www.google.com/ie_rsearch.html
It is interesting to see the number of elements pages usually have. http://code.google.com/webstats/2005-12/pages.html
This is a custom page for the Amgen Tour of California with live updates. http://www.google.com/tofc/
Translate text from one language to another. http://www.google.com/translate_t
This page shows that Google has 3 billion documents indexed that you can search. Their current number of indexed documents is probably a lot larger. http://www.google.com/3.html
These are Google logos that were made by Google fans. http://www.google.com/intl/en/customlogos.html
This looks like another page that might be related to IE. http://www.google.com/ie
It seems like Google has coding contest with a good pay out. http://www.google.com/codejam/
The Librarian Center is a page that talks about how Google and librarians have the same goal of organizing information in a more useful and universal fashion. http://www.google.com/librariancenter/
Dream India is a page that discusses Arvind Jain's life, Googler that managers Google’s R&D team in Bangalore. http://www.google.com/rec/dreamindia/
Google Copernicus Center is a lunar hosting and research center opening in 2007. http://www.google.com/jobs/lunar_job.html
Google tells you that you can block bots in your robots.txt file. This document shows what Google blocks off. http://www.google.com/robots.txt
Scott Adams created some doodles of Dilbert and Google. http://www.google.com/dilbert.html
These 5 links are to topic specific Google search engines. You can search just on Mac, Microsoft or even Linux stuff.
Meet some Googlers and check out their profiles. http://www.google.com/jobs/meet.html
Free from Google: bloggers opportunities.
0 Comments Published by Jadir on Tuesday, July 25, 2006 at 3:26 AM.
Text Link Ads
Intelli Txt
Peak Click
Tribal Fusion
Industry Brains
Target Point
Fastclick Value Click and OneMonkey
MSN Adcenter
YPN from Yahoo
I think we must explore this list and try it for earning. Nearest future I'll try to use first of them. Maybe some of you did it, so please feel free to leave your comments about.
The most of people DON'T use one word for their searches
0 Comments Published by Jadir on at 3:09 AM.
July 2006 | July 2005 | |||||
1. | 2 word phrases | 28.91% | 1. | 2 word phrases | 29.60% | |
2. | 3 word phrase | 27.85% | 2. | 3 word phrase | 27.55% | |
3. | 4 word phrases | 17.11% | 3. | 4 word phrases | 16.21% | |
4. | 1 word phrases | 11.43% | 4. | 1 word phrases | 13.42% | |
5. | 5 word phrases | 8.25% | 5. | 5 word phrases | 7.58% | |
6. | 6 word phrases | 3.68% | 6. | 6 word phrases | 3.21% | |
7. | 7 word phrases | 1.59% | 7. | 7 word phrases | 1.34% |
Roundup: New Google Product Features
0 Comments Published by Jadir on Monday, July 24, 2006 at 6:55 AM.
So few updates, so much time. Wait, switch that, reverse it. Good.
Google Base -- Google engineers are making the Borg cube a little prettier. You can now format your Google Base item descriptions using formatting buttons or HTML. But you're still not allowed to use scripts, frames or data input controls.
Google Co-Op -- Google has added drop-downs to some searches, which helps you to refine your search. If you search for "clinical trials" you should see the drop-downs. Searching for other health-related terms, such as cancer, returns a list you can use to refine your search.
Google AdSense -- Google has added a site diagnostics tool to all AdSense publishers. Google's also updated the optimization tips page.
Google Desktop -- the deadline for the widget-developing contest has been extended by two weeks.
Google Video -- As reported earlier, Google now allows links to specific times within a video. And late last week, it also updated the Google Video homepage to include a Top 10 list.
Google Talk -- Google is now branding Google Talk headsets.
Google Reader -- Google has made several changes to Reader, including the ability to star items in the mobile interface.
Google Maps -- The Maps API has been updated to include, among other things, custom mouse cursors and more accurate geocoder response.
Site Diagnostics Tab Added to Google AdSense Console
0 Comments Published by Jadir on Friday, July 21, 2006 at 6:39 AM.
Reading tonns of blogs and articles can teach you something. But I think that the most effective way to get started is being triained or even only speaked by professional. I've found a video by John Reese, where he briefly talks about how he made over $500,000 in a little over a year through adsense.
Now just bear in mind he has over a decade of experience in Internet Marketing but i think at least it gives people like myself some encouragement that the techniques of Internet Marketing work and you just need to get yourself into gear and start taking action.
You can dowload video from this page:
7 easy ways to get traffic to your blog - and earn $10,466 in 60 days :)
2 Comments Published by Jadir on Thursday, July 20, 2006 at 7:25 AM.
But without a steady stream of traffic, no one’s the wiser. Use these
seven tips to get more traffic to your blog.
1) Do your SEO and keyword research homework.
Make sure the HTML of your site is search engine friendly.
Here’s a basic search engine optimization checklist:
• Do your post titles have appropriate keywords?
• Do your anchor links have keywords in them?
Using “here” as a link is a missed opportunity.
• Does your domain name include a primary keyword?
2) Submit your site to the 1st and 2nd tier engines like Google, Yahoo, Dmoz, MSN and Looksmart, and to the blog directories.
Here’s a short list of sites that offer free blog listings:
Blog Search
Globe of Blogs
3) Ping like you mean it.
This is a way for you to raise your hand to the blog trackers when
you’ve posted new content. You can do it site by site at places like
Technorati, or go to Ping-o-matic (http://pingomatic.com/)
and mass-ping your blog to over 20 sites. Make sure your blog is set up
to ping the appropriate sites every time you publish a post.
4) Feed your RSS.
Make sure your blog has one and that it’s working. An RSS feed is a bit
of XML that allows your blog to push content to RSS readers. That way
people don’t have to visit your site to get your latest insights – they
just open their RSS reader and read the news. If your blog is at
Blogger.com, don’t worry about an RSS feed – its already been created
for you.
If you’re not at Blogger.com and your current blog doesn’t have RSS
functionality, visit Feedcraft.com and sign up for their free service
that will set up an RSS feed from any website (blog or not).
5) Swap links.
Make a list of relevant sites you’d love to link to your blog. Write
them a short friendly note and offer to let them use a few of your
posts as content on their site in exchange for a link back to your
site. Also, link to their sites from within one of your posts.
Be sure to offer to exchange links in the links section of your blog.
Most blog software programs offer this.
There are also sites that special in helping bloggers swap links.
Web Log Empire (http://www.weblogempire.com/) is a large one.
If you’re willing to pay for a link to your site,
check out Text-Link-Ads (http://www.text-link-ads.com/)
6) Be part of the blogging community.
Go to other blog sites you admire. Contribute to their blogs in ways
that add real value. Write good, thoughtful comments that are content
rich. Give away what you know. Do it a lot – at least 3 posts a week.
Over time you’ll become recognized as someone who has something
worthwhile to say.
As your reputation grows, people will seek out your blog. This is not
an overnight process, but by paying your dues and building an audience
you are positioning yourself to become a star.
By the way, if your site doesn’t have the functionality for visitors at add
comments, Haloscan (http://www.haloscan.com/) is a free service that will
let them do so. It also allows for “trackbacking”, which is a way to manage pings.
7) Write your blog!
Put everything you’ve got into it. Make it great. Post as frequently as
you can. The search engines will note frequent postings. A blog that
has a new post every day is obviously more active – and important –
than a blog that was set up in 2003, has 4 posts, and has been dead
since 2004. To really make your blog get noticed you’ll need to post at
least 2-3 times a week.
This article has been authored by Anik Singal, an extremely successful
and young internet entrepreneur and affiliate marketing consultant.
Anik has developed his own affiliate marketing system that helped him
earn over $10,466 in 60 days.
Anik Singal :: Affiliate Marketing Coach
I've found this article here:
Using CMS For Affiliate Marketing
3 Comments Published by Jadir on Wednesday, July 19, 2006 at 5:11 AM.
problem for many affiliate marketers. Whether it's HTML, FTP, CSS, PHP,
or any other confusing acronym, some affiliate marketers feel that it's
a constant battle.
Coming from a technology background, I was fortunte in that I didn't
have to worry about that. But that doesn't mean I enjoy writing line
after line of code. Far from it.
easy, point-and-click system any day of the week over complex code that
actually requires me to think in order to use it.
I've built my Internet business. In fact, one of my recent projects, MakeMoneyWithCreditCards.com,
sought to totally eliminate the need for the user to be well-versed in
technical matters. We built it to have a point-and-click backend where
users can update their site.
Management Systems" or CMS for short. These systems will install on
your web hosting account (sometimes with only a few clicks) and then
let you administer your website online from your own administration
just by clicking a few buttons. In fact, I have begun using a content
management script on my affiliate marketing portal, WhichAffiliate.com and have been very happy with the results so far.
The great thing about these systems is that they are open source, which
means that the source code is available for modification (good) and
they can be downloaded for no cost (even better!)
corresponding learning curve as well, the general functionality of all
of them are the same.
can be added to the system to add important features for affiliate
marketers. For example, I installed a module which makes all of the
pages on my site "search engine friendly" and another one which
automatically generates a compliant Google Sitemap.
Content Management Systems provide an excellent way for anybody to
manage their affiliate websites. In fact, I am going to be recommending
CMS software to my clients and colleagues as a preferred method of
maintaining a large, complex site.
It would be very usefull for everybody to read how to make money easy and with fun.
Here it is - http://uncommonbusiness.blogspot.com
Good Clicks, Bad Clicks: Recognizing The Signs Of Click Fraud by Entrepreneur Magazine EBiz Radio Show
0 Comments Published by Jadir on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 at 3:16 AM.
Boris Mordkovich of Search Marketing Standard, a magazine devoted
exclusively to search marketing, defines click fraud as “any click made
on an ad with no intention of actually buying or looking for
information, but rather with the intention of depleting the
advertiser’s budget.”
Who is Behind It?
Who would benefit from deliberately running up your bill? To start
with, your competition would. The ads in the top spots are always in
the crosshairs of the ads a little further down the page. And if your
competitor clicks on your ad a few times a day or a few times a week,
the search engines won’t notice such small numbers. Doesn’t sound like
much but it can really add up, especially when you have multiple
competitors doing it. So they just chip away at your budget until you
can no longer afford to advertise on that search engine.
Another common source of click fraud is search engine affiliates.
When webmasters get a cut of the revenue from the ads on their sites,
they sometimes play the same game as your competitors. They quietly
click away at your ad and raise your bill—and their profits—one click
at a time.
“It Could Happen To You”—Fighting Back
When you think you have found a case of click fraud, you need to gather your information:
1. the questionable clicks
2. the keywords that were clicked on
3. when they were clicked on, and
4. the country from which the clicks originated.
You can do this yourself by monitoring your server logs and
watching for unusual increases in activity or repeated clicks from the
same ISP address. Or you can get a third party to research it for you.
Clickclub.com, AdWatcher.com and WhosClickingWho.com are examples of
services that will analyze which of your clicks are valid and present
you with all the relevant information in an organized report. This type
of service may cost you from twenty to a hundred dollars a month.
You can email this information to your search engine and request an
investigation for the purpose of obtaining a refund. Mordkovich warns
that you should expect some resistance, but says “it’s important to
elevate the issue to a supervisor.” If the search engines know you are
serious, they will look into your claims.
The key to not becoming a click fraud victim is to be aware. Watch
the sources of your clicks. Check your server logs. Watch for spikes.
Consider a third party watchdog if necessary. Click fraud is both real
and prevalent. So use a little caution and you can save yourself a
great deal of money down the road.
About The Author:
This article was based on an interview from the Entrepreneur
Magazine eBiz Radio Show. To listen or read the full written
transcripts of the show go tohttp://www.ebizshow.com
never used Pay Per Click, this will work. You can take this pay per
click super trick to the next level, as in, the next level, on
steroids. Actually, there a few good ones I’ll let you in on.
The trick works like this. You will want to have as many variations
on a theme as possible. In other words, hundreds, or thousands of
keywords and phrases that advertisers do not think of and people
searching for a product do. When you start a campaign, you will use a
main key word to build themes on.
How to build your themes.
Let’s say our keyword to build themes on is “CDs”. Now “CDs” is a
very general term. If we razor-point target the term to musical artists
and forget about ever using “CDs” as our keyword, we will be better
Next, we just ad words to our main theme and combine them into
phrases. So, we place the words "new", "used", and "live" in the first
position of the phrase. Then, we use the artist name Rush, in the
second position. Finally, we put our main theme, “CDs” in the third
position. For example:
new rush cds
used rush cds
live rush cds
You probably think this will take us forever to generate thousands
of keywords. It will not! This is how. We are using a computer program
to do it that does not coast us one dime to use; in fact it makes us
money. It also saves us incredible amounts of time. That’s best part of
the super trick.
The list you see below is very small. The list we can actually create will be 10 times this size in 60 seconds!
This is how. We can replace the word “Rush” with other artist’s
names and we are using the program to insert brackets and quotes on
each side of our keyword phrases. So, if we used ten artists’ names, we
would have a list of 180 key word phrases. Many advertisers would never
think of using a lot of these phrases.
For example, I just looked up “live rush CDs” on Google and there
were only PPC ads! A Rush fan would type that phrase in while shopping.
Obviously, CD store owners, generally do not. What that means to you
is, very targeted, cheep clicks! You can use the same technique in any
new rush cds
used rush cds
live rush cds
[new rush cds]
[used rush cds]
[live rush cds]
"new rush cds"
"used rush cds"
"live rush cds"
NOTE: Did you notice that some of our keywords look like this?
"liverushcds" That’s a great trick to use. Often people don’t bunch
they “enter” key between words when typing. The program also removes
spaces between words.
Setting our budget
We are going to make sure that we don’t pay much. So we’ll just make our cost per click 5-10 cents.
Let’s sum it all up.
If we have lists of hundreds or thousands of keywords, they may
very seldom get searched for. However, whit that many keywords in our
campaign, the rare and super targeted clicks will drive cheep traffic
every day because, we have so many waiting for the right people!
To learn about the one weapon In your arsenal NO Internet marketer
Using Pay Per Click should ever be Without, Visit Guy Vincent Harey's
web site, get a Free 28-page Lead Gereration book and his killer
Newsletter here:http://www.powercashmentor.com/resources/pay-per-click.html
Here are some techniques, that you should also use for traffic increasing
0 Comments Published by Jadir on Monday, July 17, 2006 at 8:59 AM.
that you can use to generate traffic to your site.
· Participating in newsgroups and online forums that relate in your niche
· Add comments to blog articles with your link included
· Create a quality viral e-book with your ad included
· Write articles and newsletters related to your niche
· Submit your articles to Ezine publishers
· Submit your articles to article directories
· Submit your site to search engines
· Submit your site to web directories
· Participate in link exchange with other sites related to your niche
· Buy Cost Per Click (CPC) advertising
· Develop a blog
· Use e-mail signatures
· Create a mailing list
· Create an affiliate program
· Word of mouth, share your site with others
· Create quality content for visitors and search engine bots
· Create a domain name that describes your niche
· Submit ads to Free Classifieds sites
· Join Free Traffic Exchange programs
· Print car bumper stickers
· Use vanity license plates with your domain name
· Use free pixel ad sites
· Acquire free content through syndications
· Manage your Meta Tags
· Use keyword-rich and sensible content
· Optimize your site for the search engines
· Banner exchange and banner advertising
· Issue a press release about your niche
I think if you keep tight for at least one of it, you'll gain success :)
uses a content management system. While most blog software is more
search engine friendly out of the box than many web sites, the
opportunities for blog optimization are readily available.
Here are some tricks that will increase your popularity in SE and eventually drive more traffic to your blog.
1) Use keywords in your blog post titles - This is a
given for SEO. Most blogging software uses the post title as the url so
take advantage of it.
Example: “10 SEO Tricks to Attract More Traffic to your Blog - Search Engine Journal"
Search Engine Journal is included on every blog post title tag automatically.
2) Optimize your blog categories - When you create categories for your
blog, be sure to use keywords in the titles. When you post, be sure to
default to a general category that is relevant no matter what the post
is about. Choose multiple categories on each post when appropriate.
This will create a “SEO-friendly" url for each post you make.
3) Syndicate your blog - Make it easy for people to subscribe to your
blog. Sign-up with a free service like Feedburner and then create a
“syndication" area on your site.
4) Offer RSS to email. Anywhere from 10% to 40% of your blog traffic
can come from individuals that perfer to read blog posts via email. RSS
readers and aggregators can be confusing. Adding email services to your
blog isn't. There are several free services available for this
including: FeedBlitz, Squeet, and Zookoda.
5) Ping blog search engines - This can be configured with blog software
such as Movable Type or WordPress to work automatically. If you're
using Blogger.com, then you can do this manually with Pingomatic.com or
6) Make comments on other blogs. Your name will be linked to the blog
url that you enter. Don't make comments that offer no value to the blog
post. Don't use keywords in the field for your name, use your name or
blog name.
7) Submit your blog directories. Also submit the blog to regular
directories such as (DMOZ, JoeAnt, GoGuides, Google Blog Search, etc)
that have categories for blogs.
8) Targeted advertising – Now this doesn't really drive traffic to your
site but will make you money. It's possible by using Google AdSense to
display highly targeted ads on your blog. Once you've setup an account
and placed the ads on your site, just sit back and watch the cash come
in. Cha-ching.
9) Snatch up hot keywords - Now before you place ads on your blog, be
sure your keyword density is good for the right terms. A great tool to
improve your traffic for high-paying keywords is to use a product
called Keyword Elite (http://www.seojuice.com).
10) Use track backs - If there is a blog that you refer to or quote and
it is highly relevant to your subject, leave a track back. It increases
your link popularity and may even score a few interested readers from
the linked site. A TrackBack is a mechanism used in a blog to show,
around an entry, a list of other blogs that refer to it.
The important thing to remember is that no matter how many optimization
tactics you employ with a blog, there is no substitute for quality
content. Blog optimization is only as effective as the quality and
usefulness of the content you're optimizing. So do not limit yourself
to tips and lists. Use your imagination and you will come up with
thousands of ways to drive traffic to your blog!
Warning Signs for Affiliate Marketers
0 Comments Published by Jadir on Friday, July 14, 2006 at 5:15 AM.
products and sales opportunities will work best for you. The flip-side of
that question is just as important. What kind of situations should you
avoid? In order to better insure that your marketing efforts and time are
not wasted, consider some of the following warning signs that should
convince you to avoid some affiliate opportunities.
Beware of bad reputations. If the person offering the product has a spotty
past in terms of other ventures, you may want to avoid the opportunity. Not
only does a bad track record hold out the promise of future failures, it
will also act as a disincentive for many prospective buyers. Do some
research about the person offering the product. See what else they are up
to, how people feel about them, and whether or not there have been past
complaints or concerns that raise a warning flag for you.
Beware of limited information. If the offer is coming with very little
information, it may be time to be suspicious. You should have a clear
outline of all terms for participation. Although streamlining affiliate
programs may increase efficiency, an exceptionally threadbare approach could
be a warning that something may not be right.
Beware of program administration. If you aren't familiar with the operators
or have any other concerns, you may want to approach the matter cautiously.
Before jumping in head first on a new project, approach it with reasonable
trepidation and suspicion. Instead of immediately promoting in earnest,
consider closing a few sales and waiting to make sure they are logged
correctly and that you are paid on time. This may give you a better idea of
what to expect from the program.
Beware of incomplete bios. If all you have to work with in terms of contact
information is an alias, an email address and a website, don't invest a
great deal of time in the project. Before committing, get names, physical
addresses and phone numbers. Take a moment to assess the probable overall
legitimacy of the program. You want to be sure you know exactly with whom
you will be working. In the case of a problem, that additional contact
information will come in handy, too.
cannot guarantee that you won't run afoul of a bad deal now and again.
However, those indicators will give you cause for concern in certain
situations that should lead you to take appropriate self-preserving actions.
If you notice bad reputations, limited information, questionable
administration or incomplete biographical information, you may want to seek
greener pastures. With some many new affiliate products becoming available
every day, it only make sense to be cautious. You do have other options. If
you play it safe as an affiliate and you'll be glad you did.
I will try to fill it with the most interesting and usefull information. It would be very useful for beginners especially, because I can answer all your questions here - just post them at comments.
So, lets start!