affiliate programs

Affiliate programs guide

This blog is about earning money online. There are a lot of ways to earn money, and the most likely to me is to use affiliates programs. So I'll try to publish all things that could help you to gain more from your site or blog.

The most of people DON'T use one word for their searches

The - the one of the largest providers of real-time intelligence web analytics made some researches about user's search phrases. Here are results

July 2006

July 2005

1. 2 word phrases 28.91%
1. 2 word phrases 29.60%
2. 3 word phrase 27.85%
2. 3 word phrase 27.55%
3. 4 word phrases 17.11%
3. 4 word phrases 16.21%
4. 1 word phrases 11.43%
4. 1 word phrases 13.42%
5. 5 word phrases 8.25%
5. 5 word phrases 7.58%
6. 6 word phrases 3.68%
6. 6 word phrases 3.21%
7. 7 word phrases 1.59%
7. 7 word phrases 1.34%
As we can see, only 11% used one keyword for searching. So don't loose time, keep on looking for right keywords for your site. Also you can see full statistics here

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