affiliate programs

Affiliate programs guide

This blog is about earning money online. There are a lot of ways to earn money, and the most likely to me is to use affiliates programs. So I'll try to publish all things that could help you to gain more from your site or blog.

Using CMS For Affiliate Marketing

The technical hassles of creating a website have always been a
problem for many affiliate marketers. Whether it's HTML, FTP, CSS, PHP,
or any other confusing acronym, some affiliate marketers feel that it's
a constant battle.

Coming from a technology background, I was fortunte in that I didn't

have to worry about that. But that doesn't mean I enjoy writing line
after line of code. Far from it.

You see, like most other affiliate marketers, I'm lazy. I'll take an

easy, point-and-click system any day of the week over complex code that
actually requires me to think in order to use it.

This is something that I have always kept in mind over the years as

I've built my Internet business. In fact, one of my recent projects,,
sought to totally eliminate the need for the user to be well-versed in
technical matters. We built it to have a point-and-click backend where
users can update their site.

Recently, I have been looking into newer systems called "Content

Management Systems" or CMS for short. These systems will install on
your web hosting account (sometimes with only a few clicks) and then
let you administer your website online from your own administration

You can add categories, add pages, add reviews, links, and more,

just by clicking a few buttons. In fact, I have begun using a content
management script on my affiliate marketing portal, and have been very happy with the results so far.

The script I'm using is called Drupal. From what I've heard, another popular choice is Mambo.

The great thing about these systems is that they are open source, which
means that the source code is available for modification (good) and
they can be downloaded for no cost (even better!)

While each system has its own unique advantages, and its own

corresponding learning curve as well, the general functionality of all
of them are the same.

In addition, there are several pre-built modules and plug-ins that

can be added to the system to add important features for affiliate
marketers. For example, I installed a module which makes all of the
pages on my site "search engine friendly" and another one which
automatically generates a compliant Google Sitemap.

Once the initial learning curve has been surpassed, I believe that

Content Management Systems provide an excellent way for anybody to
manage their affiliate websites. In fact, I am going to be recommending
CMS software to my clients and colleagues as a preferred method of
maintaining a large, complex site.

As far as I'm concerned, it's going to be the wave of the future for affiliate marketing.

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Yes, drupal and Mambo are good CMS.
    I would also suggest
    it's really easy to use and edit..a good CMS for any affiliate :)  

  2. # Blogger ViNZ

    Im curious about your post so I give my time to read it. I found it very interesting and informative.I have my WEBHOSTING provider that Im going to recommend to you for future reference.
    A free guide to choosing the right web host for your personal or business site.  

  3. # Blogger Unknown

    Affiliate marketing is one of the best way to earn online commission by directing customers to the retailers' product websites. There are different ways to integrate with retailers website, the best one is to show products directly from retailers website on your website using some APIs and data feeds generators, but to integrate these products in such way you must have how to know about affiliate development for a professional website. You can get a professional CMS for affiliate marketing developed by iLead Digital, a well experienced affiliate CMS design and development Company.  

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