Don't wait for invitation: Google Analytics available for all now!
0 Comments Published by Jadir on Thursday, August 17, 2006 at 12:52 AM.
So don't wait - go and signup for account right now :)
5 Reasons Many Adsense Sites Don't Make Money
0 Comments Published by Jadir on Wednesday, August 09, 2006 at 2:09 AM.
While there are many success stories (they are true) of sites that have generated good income from Adsense, there are still some sites that couldn’t grasp the real way of making an earning from Adsense.
This is because many people have failed to generate the needed factors to create a successful site that compliments the features Adsense provides. Many webmasters just put up or create mediocre sites and place Adsense on their site and just sits back and waits for the cash to roll in.
If that is the mentality of a site owner, then he won't earn from Adsense. Remember, a mediocre site will also get mediocre earnings.
To finally realize the Adsense dream, a webmaster must produce a site that has the factors and characteristics needed to generate the traffic and clicks it needs to be profitable. There are many things a webmaster needs to do to achieve this and be one of the millions of sites who have successfully done so. But there are so much more things a site owner has failed to do to make their site more Adsense friendly.
Here are five reasons why many Adsense sites don’t make money.
1) There are no good keywords on the site.
Many sites have failed to do the very essence of search engine optimization, Good Keywords. The internet has many websites competing for the attention of the “netizens” and many sites contain the same or almost the same subjects, topics or niches. To date, Google is searching at over three billion sites; good keywords can get you a good lead above all the other sites.
It is essential that you research well on finding the good keywords your site can use to generate the traffic and get a high ranking on the search engines results. If many internet users are directed to your site, you get a huge opportunity to get great traffic. With traffic comes the profit.
In making money you must spend some. Invest in a good program that searches good and proper keywords for your site. These keywords that people are looking for changes and varies, a good keyword searcher is an investment that just keeps on giving.
2) The site doesn’t provide a good niche.
To get the attention of the people, you must provide a site that can perk up the interest of the people. Adsense works well if you maintain a good number of traffic, you have to keep the people’s interest on your site and have a group of people to keep coming back to your site and have them recommend it.
You must also find a niche wherein these groups of people are interested in. Find the right niche and you’ll find the right group of people that are willing to spend some money.
3) The site owner doesn’t maintain or update their site.
You can only maintain the interest of a person for a short period of time. Many websites have failed to keep up the traffic they generate for their failure to keep their site updated. Immerse yourself in your niche and try to find out what’s new and what’s hot.
You have to serve something new to the people or if not, try to keep abreast with the developments of your niche or maybe add some sub-niches on your site that still pertains to your niche to get new traffic and keep the attention of your clients in your site.
4) Some website owners don’t provide the full attention to their Adsense sites.
Many people just see their sites as a way to earn some extra money. You have to treat Adsense sites as a full size business to make it big. With the heavy competition you have, a good webmaster should treat their site as if it is their main source of income but still maintain a good schedule of their time.
5) Many webmasters have failed to devout time and research to their Adsense site.
Many elements are needed to build a successful Adsense site. Good keywords and the right niches can roll in the dough, but this takes time and effort. It is imperative to devout a certain amount of time in looking for ways to develop your Adsense site.
The internet is abound of sites that could help your own site. A little time, money and hard work can spell the huge difference between a successful Adsense site and a mediocre one.
About The Author:
Kevin Anderson has been marketing online since 2002. He is the owner of a program designed to help people find profitable niches to market to online.
Who Else Wants Free book about AdWords by Google team?
0 Comments Published by Jadir on Monday, August 07, 2006 at 1:20 AM.
Haven't you read it yet?
I strongly recommend you to do it immediatly. The book is free and you can download it here
How your earnings would change if you swapped a banner ad for a leaderboard?
Or if you changed your color palette to Open Air? Always wanted to know but don't know how to? A/B testing is what you've been looking for!
Firstly, you have to create two custom channels - one for each ad unit you're going to be testing.
To create a new custom channel name:
- Log in to your account at
- From the links below the AdSense Setup tab, click Channels
- Choose the appropriate product sub-tab and scroll down to the Manage Custom Channels section
- In the 'Create new channel' field, enter a name that will help you to identify this channel later. For example, carpages or blue_skyscrapers
- Click Create new channel. Your new channel will be added to the Active Channels list.
To add the channel-specific code to your page:
- Click the AdSense Setup page and choose the appropriate product. After choosing your ad type, format, and colors, select the desired channel from the Channel drop-down list, then click Continue
- Copy-and-paste the ad layout code into your web pages. The channel identifier within your code will track performance on these pages.
Done? Ok, now we got channels. Then create a leaderboard ad unit and a banner ad unit with identical settings, except for the ad format. Be sure to assign each ad unit the appropriate channel created above.
Now you should decide how you want to run your A/B test; for example, you can choose to run the test on some % of your traffic or only on your home page. No matter what you choose, you'll need to run both of your ad units at the same time. But how can you easily alternate between your two ad formats? The simplest way to do this is to use the JavaScript template below - it will rotate between the two ad units, showing each 50% of the time.
var random_number = Math.random();
if (random_number < .5){ //your first ad unit code goes here } else {
//your second ad unit code goes here } </script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Also when using this template, remember to replace “//your first ad unit goes here” with your ad code inside the first set of tags.
Once you’ve implemented the A/B testing code on your page, you'll be able to view the experiment results in your channel reports and compare the figures from the custom channels you created.
A few important things to remember when designing and running an A/B test:
1. One of the ad configurations in your test should be the configuration you're currently displaying. In order to understand the effects of each ad configuration, you need to compare the experimental results to a baseline. This baseline, also called the control, should be the ad configuration you are currently using.
2. You should only make one change to the ad configuration in each A/B experiment. The goal of A/B testing is to isolate the revenue impact or CTR change of one particular modification, so that you know exactly which change affected your revenue. By modifying the baseline ad code in only one way, you can be assured of this.
3. For one A/B test, all configurations must be running simultaneously. Since we need to ensure that all ad configurations are subject to the same conditions such as the same traffic patterns, all configurations must be running at the same time. The JavaScript template above is one way of implementing this.
If you get some problems through test, you can visit A/B Help Center
AdSense on Google Page Creator: new money machine
2 Comments Published by Jadir on Tuesday, August 01, 2006 at 6:55 AM.
It took me about 40 seconds to create! Google Labs created this tool rather time ago, maybe you have to use it earlier. But today this creator transformed to money earning machine,
because you can easily place AdSense ads there now :) So don't loose time, you can create a huge number of pages in minutes and built a real AdSense imperium.